• 24 апреля 2013, среда
  • Москва, Рождественка, 11. Галерея ВХУТЕМАС

Think Your Own Picnic! : Best Recipe and Best Site for Moscow Picnic

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4019 дней назад
24 апреля 2013 c 15:00 до 18:00
Рождественка, 11. Галерея ВХУТЕМАС

Воркшоп японского архитектора на тему публичных пространств Москвы. На английском языке. Если у вас есть место в городе, где Вы хотели бы устроить с друзьями пикник, сфотографируйте его и принесите фотографию на воркшоп в галерею (или распечатайте на месте). Возможно уже в мае мы сможем устроить большой архитектурный пикник!

Tokyo Picnic Club (TPC) wants witty and hip site to do picnic in Moscow. For example, TPC has tried “Picnic on the top of skyscraper”, “Picnic on frozen lake”, “Picnic in the river”, or “Picnic in the middle of the road”. Of course, it should not necessarily be too odd, if you know unknown public space with tremendous view, or the irresistible spot in the classic park, that is OK.
Your suggestion for the best site should be associated with the idea for the recipe. For example, scorn and tea can be the idea for public parks of 19 th century, the spicy taste in the modern bustling public spaces can be interesting, or grilled fish with white wine can be the options for romantic sunset picnic. As seen in the drawing of Hiroshige, Japanese has been enthusiastic for these kinds of association between place and food, and TPC wants to try for it in the contemporary urban context.

Please see attached graphic entitled “8 menus for Picnic”, and you will find the association can be expanded to cover recipe, site, fashion, music,seasons, and the way of gathering.

I am very glad if we can discuss about “picnic ideas for Moscow Picnic” in the workshop on 24th April. Please bring one A4 sheet, which has the name & image of the site and the recipe. We may choose the best idea for the picnic, and try it in May!

Hiroshi OTA / Tokyo Picnic Club



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